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The day I'm sure many have been waiting for, and just as many probably thought it wouldn't happen. Linux has finally hit 1% again on the Steam Hardware Survey.
It's always interesting to see what Linux gamers are running on their main gaming computers, so it's fun to see our statistics grow each month. The latest data is now available.
Another month goes by and another Steam Hardware Survey was done, I got a pop up this month and it seems we have increased our share two months in a row on Steam.
Here are the latest results from the monthly GOL survey. Wait, you already did February? Previously we were showing the results as the month we presented results, which was wrong (last months posted was amended).
Another month, and another survey done. The latest results are in and the findings are within normal expectations. This leads me to a question I want to ask everyone.
So the Steam Hardware Survey got updated again, this time they are now including lots of Linux distro's so we can see just how popular they are!
It's good to see see them ...