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Category: Survey Results

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Linux has finally hit that almost mythical 1% user share on Steam again

By Liam Dawe,
The day I'm sure many have been waiting for, and just as many probably thought it wouldn't happen. Linux has finally hit 1% again on the Steam Hardware Survey.

The Steam Hardware Survey for October 2018 shows a small drop for Linux, a look at daily and monthly active users

By Liam Dawe,
After initially showing the decrease as an increase, it seems Valve have now corrected the Steam Hardware Survey results for October 2018.

The Linux market share on Steam is at a 14 month high as of September 2018

By Liam Dawe,
Valve have put up their usual monthly survey and the interesting thing for us is that the Linux share is the highest it's been for some time now.

Linux market-share on Steam dropped 0.08% in December 2016

By Liam Dawe,
Something I forgot to write up, was that the latest Steam survey is out. Linux dropped by 0.08% according to the figures.

The next round of our user-powered statistics has completed, take a look

By Liam Dawe,
It's always interesting to see what Linux gamers are running on their main gaming computers, so it's fun to see our statistics grow each month. The latest data is now available.

Our latest user survey is done, Steam Controller seems to be the favourite

By Liam Dawe,
Our user survey is now done automatically from your profiles every month. On the 1st of December a fresh lot was generated.

The Steam Hardware Survey for September 2016 shows Linux has grown some more

By Liam Dawe,
Another month goes by and another Steam Hardware Survey was done, I got a pop up this month and it seems we have increased our share two months in a row on Steam.

GOL SteamOS & Linux Survey results for March 2016

By Liam Dawe,
Here are the latest results from the monthly GOL survey. These results are from the survey filled out this month in relation to March.

GOL SteamOS & Linux Survey results for February

By Liam Dawe,
Here are the latest results from the monthly GOL survey. Wait, you already did February? Previously we were showing the results as the month we presented results, which was wrong (last months posted was amended).

Our Linux & SteamOS gamer survey results for January 2016

By Liam Dawe,
Blimey, another month already? That's right here's the results of our latest Linux & SteamOS user survey.

Our Linux & SteamOS gamer survey results for January 2016

By Liam Dawe,
Another month, and another survey done. The latest results are in and the findings are within normal expectations. This leads me to a question I want to ask everyone.

Steam's hardware survey now shows many distro's

By Liam Dawe,
So the Steam Hardware Survey got updated again, this time they are now including lots of Linux distro's so we can see just how popular they are! It's good to see see them ...

Steams February stats are out, Linux rises again to over 2%

By Liam Dawe,
So as usual Steam has published their monthly user statistics and it's looking ever better for Linux! We're now over 2%.
Showing 40 to 53 of 53 entries found.